
The company

Tableros de Levante, S.A., - talesa - was established in 1982. The company was born with 12 employees and a 1.900m2 industrial unit.

Thanks to the support of our costumers and the evolution of the company in these last years, talesa owns the latest technology machinery in the market. Moreover, talesa has a modern technical office that makes possible any project our costumers have. Nowadays our facilities cover more than 33.000m2 divided into 2 production plants.

The first – with 20.000 m2. is used to laminating chipboard, MDF and board machining.

The second one – with 13.000 m2 used to mechanize the boards, both in natural veneer and melamine, and manufacture furniture components.

Currently, our company has 100 employees. We offer two technical design offices which can study and develop the required projects like house furniture, hotel funishing and Contract installations.

Thanks to these facilities and to our human team we can offer a high quality product or service with good prices.

Hemos recibido una ayuda de la Consellería de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Trabajo, para llevar a cabo la inversión en una celda de embalaje HOMAG  PAQTEQ S-200, destinada a mejorar la competitividad y sostenibilidad de las pymes del sector madera-mueble e iluminación, dentro de la tercera fase de implantación del Plan Estratégico de la Industria Valenciana, para el ejercicio 2020, por un importe de 68.250,00 € y que se tramita con número de expte. INPYME/2020/590